Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Keep on going....

Sometimes I sit and wonder.... 
Like right now when I'm surrounded by papers, books, binders, and journals.  My room starts to NOT be a room.
I sleep (If I'm lucky) 6 hours a night, 
only to get up at 6 (okay 7) a.m. to make it to work and class on time.  

Sometimes I sit and wonder.....  
Like tonight when I finished typing up my Capstone Proposal, only to print it out and wonder, "is this mine?". 

I don't know how it all gets done... 
Maybe it's because of all the post it's, day planners and calendars, alarm clocks and cell phone timers.....or maybe, just maybe it's something else.  

Determination?  Aggravation?  Illumination?  haha! ...... 
I'm not sure what IT is, but sometimes when I sit and wonder....I cry, I laugh, I smile and then  

I keep on going....


Back in Action...

Well after many trials and turbulations I have managed to remember my password and can now access my blog again! Yay!!!   I have begun the...