Friday, November 5, 2010

Entering a whole new chapter.......

So today I turned 30, YUP the big 3-0! What can you say to that??? Sure it's just a number but that number really means a lot to me.  This is MY year;  I graduate this year (FINALLY),  and I will be on to a whole different chapter in my life, so 30....yeah, it carries a lot of meaning for me.  (I don't think it will be a year I soon forget!) 

I had many wonderful birthday messages all throughout the day from friends, family and coworkers, which made the day REALLY special.  So a great BIG thank you to you ALL!!

 Today was a chance to look back on my life and remember all the good and bad I've been through. ALL of it has made me who I am today and for that I am really grateful. 

So cheers to 30 and all the wonderful things it may bring!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lil' Sister! Cheers to 30 and to many, many more to come!


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