Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's a jungle out there!!

Entry to the jungle...I mean ballroom =)
Today was the annual CSUMB Benefits Fair.  It's always a fun filled busy time for the HR Benefits Department. As a student assistant I get to help make the creative decorations that get displayed throughout the University Center ballroom during the fair.  It's a fun event to be a part of and I always feel a sense of accomplishment when I get to see everything that I've worked so hard on, displayed for everyone to enjoy.  This year marks my third year helping out with the fair and I have enjoyed helping with every one.  It's a little sad knowing I won't be around to help out with next years fair, but I am happy knowing that I have been a part of an event that many look forward to each year.  So many people put countless hours into the event this year to help transform our ballroom into a jungle and it looked fantastic, great job gang! =)

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