Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time flies when your having .....FUN?

Is that what I'm having?? FUN?? LOL...because it's all been a blur.  I don't even know where to begin.  So much to do and so little time, I didn't realize it would all go THIS fast.  I am trying to stay on top of things but it's been very hard.  I had an unexpected ....let's "situation" (don't sue me Mike Sorentino....LMAO), which put me out of commission for awhile and is still a bit painful.  I'm behind in school work and am trying desperately to stay afloat of everything, but I probably should not have 20 units this semester.  My quest for knowledge was too great! haha ....j/k.  They are all classes I love, but I just didn't quite expect it to be so hard to stay on top of them all.  I think my mind is swirling with all the "what if's" in my head right now.  What if....I can't find a job....can't get an internship....can't do's all a blur.  I'm trying to hang in there and do my best, somehow some way I always make it work, but this time it's going to be harder than ever! Wish me luck!

I have some pictures to post of recent field trips, I will try to get them up here soon, and update this as often as I can!

1 comment:

Back in Action...

Well after many trials and turbulations I have managed to remember my password and can now access my blog again! Yay!!!   I have begun the...