Thursday, December 9, 2010


Wow, today marks my last "official" day of classes for the Fall Semester.  I just came back from attending a community presentation for my Oral Histories class.  What a wonderful experience!  All semester long we work at learning how to become oral historians and today we get to FINALLY see our videos and present them to our interviewees.  To have them thank US for helping them, that was very humbling.  Their stories are so important and I am the one who is lucky to have had the opportunity to work with them.  It was sad to say goodbye to my classmates, it was a great mix of people, and I will miss working with them all.  

So, last day of I have one more assignment left, I am pretty much done with the fall semester.  That is an overwhelming thought! You work so hard at something for many months and then it's over.  It feels good and sad all at the same time.  

Things feel even more overwhelming because I know that I only have one more semester before I graduate.  It is very hard to put into words all of the emotions I feel.  I am happy, sad, excited, overwhelmed, grateful, and determined (just to name a few).  This continues to be one of the greatest journeys of my life and I can't wait to see how the rest of it turns out!

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Well after many trials and turbulations I have managed to remember my password and can now access my blog again! Yay!!!   I have begun the...