Friday, December 31, 2010
So very grateful for 2010....
I am so grateful for everything 2010 gave me. I'm grateful for all of the challenges that made me stronger, opportunities that made me smarter, for the new friends I've made that have reminded me that I am ok just as I am, and for my family that has stuck by me through everything. 2011 marks some endings AND beginnings and I can't wait to see where those beginnings will take me. I don't like making resolutions but I hope that 2011 will bring me much happiness and I wish the same for everyone in my life. Thanks for the memories 2010! :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
YAY!!! I am really truly done this semester. What a journey.....I am finally starting to feel like myself again. It is amazing what sleepless nights, and coffee filled days will do to you! I am looking forward to a week or so of R&R and then heading right back into the books, so I can make my senior project the best that it can be! :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wow, today marks my last "official" day of classes for the Fall Semester. I just came back from attending a community presentation for my Oral Histories class. What a wonderful experience! All semester long we work at learning how to become oral historians and today we get to FINALLY see our videos and present them to our interviewees. To have them thank US for helping them, that was very humbling. Their stories are so important and I am the one who is lucky to have had the opportunity to work with them. It was sad to say goodbye to my classmates, it was a great mix of people, and I will miss working with them all.
Things feel even more overwhelming because I know that I only have one more semester before I graduate. It is very hard to put into words all of the emotions I feel. I am happy, sad, excited, overwhelmed, grateful, and determined (just to name a few). This continues to be one of the greatest journeys of my life and I can't wait to see how the rest of it turns out!
Friday, December 3, 2010
“It's know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hold on, just for one more second...just so it can hurt a little more.”
Endings are sometimes painful, and maybe because I know that the end to my college career is just around the corner, I find myself trying to hold onto this semester for as long as I can. I feel like I learned so much about myself during the past few months, but I can't quite explain it. All I know is that something wonderful is growing inside of me, I can feel it. Every minute of every day has been confusing, amazing, fun, and challenging all at the same time. I was fortunate enough to have really great classmates that I learned something new from at every class meeting, and a professor that has inspired me all semester long. It's not often in college where you go away feeling like every class you took was just the right class for you; this time though, I feel it. So, today when I had the "un-offical" end to my classes (We still have some community presentations next week), I felt pretty sad. And as I sit here and write and really think about it all, I darn near want to cry. When something is so perfect, when it's just the right combination of things, moments, and experiences,'s hard to let that go. So even though it has been brutal at times I will hold onto this semester for as long as I can.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
So thankful......
Well Thanksgiving break has now "officially" (but not REALLY) begun for me!! :D Yay!!!!
I still am swimming in papers, digital stories, research and work but I find that I am THANKFUL for all of it. My semester has been jam packed full of eye opening experiences. I've been a part of a fascinating class on oral history that has taught me so much about the importance of preserving oral histories (which was a subject that I was ALREADY greatly interested in), and about how a community can come together to make some amazing things happen. In ten years (let's hope less) when the oral histories I helped to preserve are on display in a museum in Chinatown (Salinas, CA) I will be beaming with pride. It seems that everyday I am having a revelation about the importance of this project. I know it will be greatly successful due to the people that are passionately involved and invested in helping it come to life. (Click here for more information on the Salinas Chinatown Renewal Project.)
My other class (Latina Life Stories) has been an equally meaningful class for me this semester. This is a class where I get to tell a story, but I don't just tell it, I get to make it come to life on screen as well. My digital story is now done and I am extremely happy with how it turned out. I worked very hard on it and I hope it shows. This class is, in one word, empowering. The ability to tell YOUR OWN story, in YOUR OWN words and have that preserved forever, that is.....well it's simply a great feeling. How often do you get to express yourself in that way? My classmates are amazing and they've all told really really REALLY wonderful and deeply personal stories and I am truly lucky to have shared this experience with them. I have loved every story I have seen thus far. So bravo 328!!! :D
And lastly Pre-Capstone.....what can I say about pre-capstone??? It has been thee most challenging class of my college career! But challenging in a good way. It's taught me so much about myself as far as my abilities as a student, researcher, thinker......I am STILL learning and am sure I will be right up until the last day of the semester.
All three of these classes have intersected at one point or another for me this semester. They all touch on the topics of history, memory, voice, and the importance/empowerment all three posses. What a powerful semester for me. It's left me hungry for more; more knowledge, and more projects that inspire myself as well as others.
So as I sit around my kitchen table this thanksgiving break and eat my turkey, stuffing, and whatever other yummy goodness comes with it, I will be giving thanks to first and foremost God for his many blessings, my family for being there for me for EVERYTHING, and to my professor, classmates, and everyone else who has taught me so much this semester, the lessons are invaluable.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
An important link to history....
Friday, November 5, 2010
Entering a whole new chapter.......
So today I turned 30, YUP the big 3-0! What can you say to that??? Sure it's just a number but that number really means a lot to me. This is MY year; I graduate this year (FINALLY), and I will be on to a whole different chapter in my life, so 30....yeah, it carries a lot of meaning for me. (I don't think it will be a year I soon forget!)
I had many wonderful birthday messages all throughout the day from friends, family and coworkers, which made the day REALLY special. So a great BIG thank you to you ALL!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Life is getting CRAZY!!!
OKAY so things are getting OUTTA CONTROL! I feel like I can hardly breathe these days, there is SOOOO much going on and then the Holidays are just around the corner too! AHHH!
Other than that it's been non-stop research, class, and work for me and I have to admit it's getting pretty overwhelming lately. I think I even managed to dehydrate myself today. NOT fun at all, but I'm okay now. I was bummed out that it happened because I tried (after a long day of class) to have a little fun by attending the annual Day of the Dead celebration at the University Center. Caitlin was with me but we had to leave because I just didn't think I could stick it out for the duration of the program. I was really sad because I have not had a chance to attend the celebration any other year since being here but that's how things go sometimes.
OH, and check out our new homepage! It's been revamped and I think it turned out great! Kudos to all those involved in making it happen.
This weekend calls for more madness for me as far as schoolwork goes. And Caitlin will have her last swimming lesson, YAY!! Then on to the next challenge.....BASKETBALL! So as you can see things are busy busy busy, but such is life, right?
Here are some more pictures from our Halloween. Good times! :D
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Time flies when your having fun.....
Time continues to fly by me and I don't know how it's happening! We are almost to the Thanksgiving break and I still have TONS to do. I don't know how I will get it all done, but I know that I WILL find a way.
This past week my sister visited with her little ones and it is always, ALWAYS, great to spend time with them. (Even though I'm always running out the door for class or work!) We had fun visiting the Halloween store, and I made my arm sore playing games at Chuck-E-Cheese, lol. Next time they come to visit I hope to be able to take them all to the Aquarium (you too Steven).
Last week was also the week for Caitlin's 4th grade school pictures. Again, where does the time go?? She's growing up so fast, and I want to turn back the clock. She continues to push herself at swimming and I'm confident she will be able to jump in to the pool before classes are over in two weeks. After that comes basketball! : D
As for me, I am busy this week TRYING to get a grip on some assignments. It just seems like there are never enough hours in the day. BUT, all of the sleepless nights, and coffee filled mornings are worth it, and believe it or not IT IS fun. (Well....sort
I had mentioned before my interview for my oral histories class. It was such a great experience and I can't wait to see what our work will blossom into in the years to come! I'll keep you posted!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Flying by....
This semester is flying by....and I mean FLYING! Before we know it, it will be thanksgiving break and then BAM!.... The semester will be over. Crazy. But, I love my school and the opportunities I get to take advantage of because of it.
Friday I was super excited to attend a symposium on the Chinatown Renewal Project. I was able to meet Dr. Jack Tchen, co-founder of the Museum of Chinese in America in New York City. (Also known as MOCA). He shared pictures of the museum and it looks AMAZING, and I hope one day I can visit it. There were also other experts in the museum/art fields that game presentations that were really inspiring for our project locally.
The Chinatown Renewal Project is a project that involves revitalizing Salinas' Chinatown and collecting information from the Asian community, for a future museum/cultural center. My oral history class is conducting interviews for the project. It's super exciting to be a part of something that I know will live on for many years to come. My interview takes place tomorrow at the Buddhist Temple in Salinas, so that will be very exciting.
I am proud that my school is the only public university in California to require service learning (as a graduation requirement). Instead of sitting in a classroom all day we get to go out and do things within the community and really make a difference. College isn't just about being book smart; it should be a time where you learn about being able to work with people and get the job done, and I think that this school really allows you to do just that.
Busy, busy times lie ahead for me but I am looking forward to the journey!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Lovin' the weather!
Today was a nice sunny relaxing Saturday. Caitlin went to swimming, and accomplished sticking her head completely underwater! AWESOME. Grandma took her to celebrate with some ice cream and then we headed home to chillax. Me and Caitlin managed to put up a FEW Halloween decorations and hope to add more tomorrow. It was a great day to be outside; nice and sunny and warm enough to NOT wear a sweater! :D Tomorrow calls for some library time but I'm glad we had a nice relaxing Saturday!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Keep on going....
Sometimes I sit and wonder....
Like right now when I'm surrounded by papers, books, binders, and journals. My room starts to NOT be a room.
I sleep (If I'm lucky) 6 hours a night,
only to get up at 6 (okay 7) a.m. to make it to work and class on time.
Sometimes I sit and wonder.....
Like tonight when I finished typing up my Capstone Proposal, only to print it out and wonder, "is this mine?".
I don't know how it all gets done...
Maybe it's because of all the post it's, day planners and calendars, alarm clocks and cell phone timers.....or maybe, just maybe it's something else.
Determination? Aggravation? Illumination? haha! ......
I'm not sure what IT is, but sometimes when I sit and wonder....I cry, I laugh, I smile and then
I keep on going....
Like right now when I'm surrounded by papers, books, binders, and journals. My room starts to NOT be a room.
I sleep (If I'm lucky) 6 hours a night,
only to get up at 6 (okay 7) a.m. to make it to work and class on time.
Sometimes I sit and wonder.....
Like tonight when I finished typing up my Capstone Proposal, only to print it out and wonder, "is this mine?".
I don't know how it all gets done...
Maybe it's because of all the post it's, day planners and calendars, alarm clocks and cell phone timers.....or maybe, just maybe it's something else.
Determination? Aggravation? Illumination? haha! ......
I'm not sure what IT is, but sometimes when I sit and wonder....I cry, I laugh, I smile and then
I keep on going....
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's all becoming real....
So I haven't done anything extremely exciting lately, but I realized today that graduation is becoming all too a good way of course! I have assignments due each week for my pre-capstone class and I'm up to ears in research. It's scary and overwhelming but exciting at the same time. This is where I get to be creative and really pour myself into something that I WANT to learn about. No pressure there! haha
But other than schoolwork I've been trying to enjoy the unusually warm weather we've been having. I am indoors MOST of the time so that's a little hard, but even while strolling to class from work, or on the car ride to the store I try to look at everything around me. I like seeing the fog rolling in, or the sun shining across the ocean. And Saturday's have become family time because Caitlin started swimming lessons. She's really trying her best to conquer her fears and I couldn't be more proud of her! :D After her lessons we stroll along Alvarado street or take her for a bite to eat, so that's always nice.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
You've got a friend in me....
Just got home from a night at the World Theater. Caitlin and I went to see Toy Story 3. Even though I don't feel well and still have homework to get done, I am happy that we got to do something together. It feels good to be at a campus that has events that are family friendly. I hope Caitlin had as much fun as I did!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It's a jungle out there!!
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Entry to the jungle...I mean ballroom =) |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
What a Saturday!!!
Whew! I am tired! I had a fun filled Saturday. First we went to see The Wildest Dream at the Osio Cinema in Downtown Monterey. It is a REALLY, REALLY good documentary about a man and his quest to climb Mount Everest, even Caitlin got into it! Next was a stroll through the Festa Italia at Custom House Plaza near the wharf. Wow was that packed with people! And finally a trip to Cannery Row to see all the beautiful cars that were on display for the annual Cherry's Jubilee festival. What a Saturday.... Now it's time to get back to studying! =)
Time to get blogging!
I thought it was about time I kept a record of my life on "the Ord". It's my last year as a student here (insert super sad face) and I've had an amazing time. I've made many wonderful memories and look forward to making a lot more in this last year. It seems very surreal to me, to say that I am a Senior. I never thought I'd get here, get to this point where I can see the finish line. I thank my family for sticking by me and giving me so much support, and all the wonderful people at CSUMB (that's teachers, friends, co-workers, and sometimes strangers at the bus stop LOL!) who have encouraged me, guided me, and helped me to continue on with my studies. Now it's time to go out there and make some memories! Thanks for following along, and GO OTTERS! =)
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Back in Action...
Well after many trials and turbulations I have managed to remember my password and can now access my blog again! Yay!!! I have begun the...
OKAY so things are getting OUTTA CONTROL! I feel like I can hardly breathe these days, there is SOOOO much going on and then the Holidays a...
I thought it was about time I kept a record of my life on "the Ord". It's my last year as a student here (insert super sad fa...
Time continues to fly by me and I don't know how it's happening! We are almost to the Thanksgiving break and I still have TONS to d...